Saturday, February 15, 2020

Nurse-to-Patient Ratio legislation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Nurse-to-Patient Ratio legislation - Essay Example The problem of nurse staffing has been a consistent problem since the year 1996. However, it needs to be addressed since patients nowadays know their rights as they are better informed that earlier about their health. Other issues have also contributed into finding a solution for this problem. This includes high levels of acuity, the amounts allocated by the national budget to this sector and finally the retirement age of employees in this profession (Buerhaus, 2009). Understaffing in government institutions has brought about so many problems that affect the well being of both patients and nurses who are meant to take care of them. These problems mostly arise when these nurses work for long hours. This can lead to patients’ mortality as nurses have a significant number of patients to attend to. In such a case, it is difficult for a nurse to detect any change in the health of the patient and consult a doctor. Secondly, it has led to increasing in the number of infections that are acquired in the hospitals by nurses in the course of their duty (Clark, 2005). This is mostly associated with poor working conditions and lack of the required equipments to perform their duties. This has been a consistent problem in most hospitals hence it should be addressed with immediate effect. Understaffing also causes shock among nurses and as well as bloodstream infections. This is because they receive and admit patients with different illnesses. Due to their limited number, a nurse might be overwhelmed by the complicated and challenging tasks. Hence, this policy if enacted will be of great help to both nurses and patients of this country. Finally, it has also caused psychological problems among nurses. This is because these nurses work for long hours, and they have limited time to take care of themselves. A large number of them in the country spend most of their time taking care of patients in hospitals. Hence, sometimes they may be depressed when they see the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

MARKETING ESSAY QUESTION Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

MARKETING QUESTION - Essay Example 538). Most marketers today are experiencing difficulties with effective and systematic planning due to a number of market forces such as globalization, fierce competition among market players, radical changes in technology and changing consumer behavior. This piece of research work presents a brief study on systematic approach to marketing planning from the perspective of contemporary international marketing contexts. This paper reviews relevant literatures to critically evaluate the statement â€Å"A systematic approach to marketing planning is essential to successfully inform the marketing decisions made within a contemporary international company†. Marketing planning Planning is basically a systematized method of relating to the future (Cateora and Graham, 2007, p. 317) and therefore many literatures have considered marketing planning as all rational, incremental and intuitive processes that guides a firm’s marketing activities to its future (Greenley, Hooley and Sau nders, 2004, p. 933). Dibb and Simkin (1996, p. 3) who provided a clear and systematic approach to marketing planning defined it as a systematic process that involves assessing marketing opportunities and resources, determines marketing goals and develops future plan for implementation and control. Traditionally, literatures described marketing planning as a model of logical-sequential decision making that incorporates a firm’s objectives, strategies, tactics and control. Greenley, Hooley and Saunders (2004, p. 933) pointed that this explanation to marketing planning has focused on what marketing planning decisions could be and not on how they could be made. They emphasized that marketing planning is used to pursue dynamic marketing opportunities in order to guide a firm’s marketing to its future. In today’s rigorously competitive marketing contexts, market opportunities keep on changing and hence firms need to adopt their plans with a view to pursue these dynam ic opportunities. Marketing planning involves deciding on significant marketing strategies that help the firm achieve its overall strategic objectives and future goals. A marketing planning is required for each business, each product and each brand (Armstrong and Kotler, 2005, p. 59). A Systematic approach to Marketing Planning A systematic approach to marketing planning has been considered to be the most difficult of all marketing tasks since it involves bringing together all the various marketing elements in to coherent and realistic plan (McDonald, 2007, p. 9). A systematic marketing planning necessarily requires certain degree of organizational procedures and compromise between conflicting objectives. McDonald (1992, p. 5) identified ‘lack of systematic approach to marketing planning’ as one of the most difficult barriers to marketing planning. Marketers need to design and implement most appropriate planning system for their firms. As McDonald (1992, p. 14) pointed, a marketing planning system is essential to ensure that all key issues are systematically